Introducing the "Core-3 eNFT Types for Medicines. Tax calculation is also in a grey area in the cryptocurrency space. Since the pharmaceutical industry naturally comprises complex Tax calculations.

We are planning for the Following 3 Types of Fractionalized Intellectual Property (IP) NFT's. 1. Non-Profit eNFT's - Structure Research TBD 2. R&D eNFT's - Structure Research TBD 3. For Profit eNFT's - Structure Research TBD From a Total-Assets on the #BalanceSheet perspective, our proprietary stakes in 50% of Total-Owned NFT’s will be held by #BlockchainBioPharma. With the cost of Developing a Medicine standing at $2 Billion End-to-End, meaning that due to prohibitive costs to the average investor, our eNFT’s will be focused to Accredited Investors, Universities, and the Enterprise.

These 3 Entities also are who holds 99% of all drug patents. This is especially important as, from an #IndustryResearch perspective, as the average medicine holds 83 Patents.

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